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Blanchat Manufacturing

Blanchat Mfg., Inc. offers many features that come from personal participation and experience during on-scene involvement where problems have occurred. Innovations like the BATROPS (Blanchat Apparatus Transverse Roll Over Protection System) with the Saddle Gate provide six sides of steel protection following SAE J1194. Blanchat trucks are specifically designed to be less hazardous to ride during pump and roll.


Since 1984, I have not only been part of my local fire department, but I have also visited others across the United States. While traveling, I have witnessed the dangers and mistakes that occur in this profession. Through the devastation of this natural threat, I have gained a personal motivation and passion to design a way to provide safety for fellow firefighters. Blanchat Mfg., Inc.'s main priority is to supply safer means in order to accomplish a hazardous task. Our equipment is reliable, user friendly and ready to perform in the most extreme situations. My ultimate goal is to never stop helping protect my brother firefighters from harm while in the line of duty. This is why my company lives by the motto, No matter what, there is always a better way.

Vest's Sales And Service, Inc., 1157 Stonewall Rd NE, Check, VA 24072

Phone: 1-866-225-8144   Email:

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